Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stall over & Hunger Pains

Hallelujah!!  This VSG surgery is going to work, I'm not a complete failure at dieting, I'm not the one person whose sleeve doesn't work, and all the other negative thoughts in my head were wrong!  I'm finally down - let's hear it - one pound!!  OKAY - I'LL TAKE IT - after being at the same weight -or up and down 2/10's of a pound for 16 days!!  My husband heard me shout after getting on the scale that morning and thought something was wrong - No - just happy!!!

I'm now having constipation problems which may be the reason the scale is not moving more - I'm going to have to figure this out without Milk of Magnesia - what fiber to add to my diet.  I'm on the soft foods stage so no roughage to help move things along.  I need to concentrate on getting all the water in also.

Another problem - this week I've been hungry about an hour after eating.  I've never had acid problems before but hopefully that is what this is.  I took some Gaviscon tablets last night - after doing some reading on Obesity Helps - sounds like it takes about three days to get the acid under control if that is what this is.  It also could be the leftover ghrelin in my body or the nerve endings in my stomach regrowing or coming alive - who knows.  I don't want to have hunger pains though and feel like I need to eat all the time.

What a journey!  Looks like I'm going to be a slow loser but I always have been in the past.  Slow and steady wins the race - right???

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