Thursday, March 28, 2013

Getting Back to Gym

I posted the other day that I was cleared to go back to the gym on Monday and it was hard for me to walk back in that door - it had been at least 9 months since I'd been back.  And it was hard to walk in that door but I did it!!  I went later in the day and hardly anyone was there.  No one made a big deal about me being there and left me alone to do my thing.

Boy - I had been walking on our neighborhood paths for around 30 minutes each day for the past week.  The treadmill was much harder for some reason - after 10 minutes on the treadmill I was done - exhausted.  And I wasn't at a high speed or didn't have it at a high incline.  Ugh!  I then went and did light weights - no abdominal exercises (scared & still think I'm a little swollen - plus I hate abdominal exercises!).  After the weights - I did 10 more minutes on the treadmill.

I did get a Fitbit One - I'm loving watching my steps each day and trying to increase them every day.  I'm not up to the 10,000 steps yet - a little over half way there- but I'll get there.  I'm not sure I should have spent the money for the Fitbit One as it can measure your sleep but I haven't used that function yet - don't really like the wristband that you wear at night and attach it to.  I've been attaching the Fitbit to my bra and totally forget about it.  I'll have to be careful and not wash it.

Yesterday it was just as hard to make myself go back to the gym again!  When is this going to get easier?  The treadmill went a little easier and I lifted more light weights.  I'm worried about the loose skin and my arms.  I also have heart disease so exercising isn't an option for me - it is a must.  I still broke up the treadmill into 10 minute segments again - eventually I know I'll build up to more as my energy levels increase.

I really loved Zumba in the past when I was exercising more regularly - I hope I can get my energy & fitness levels up so I can go back.  Why can't I be a person who loves to exercise?  I wish I had a partner to go with to exercise but don't at this time - I do need someone to make me accountable.  Oh - well - I'm done this VSG to make myself healthier and exercise is part of this equation no matter how many excuses I come up with to get out of it.  (Did I tell you my left knee is hurting a little? - see what I mean - EXCUSES, excuses.)  I'm a work in progress!

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