Monday, March 18, 2013

Hubby Sleeved Today!

Quick update as it's been a long day but my husband got his vertical sleeve today also - three weeks after mine!  I'm so glad we are doing this together!  Our internist has been trying to get him to have weight loss surgery for years because of his Type II Diabetes - he has been becoming more and more dependent on insulin and having other health problems.  I guess we've made eating out and eating unhealthy a bad hobby together - not good but times are 'a changing!

His surgery took two hours - I was getting pretty nervous towards the end.  Thank goodness I had a friend with me.  Our surgeon said that my husband had a very large stomach with lots of fat around that  it made the surgery a little more complicated but a success.  He also stayed in the recovery room for a couple of hours because his oxygen levels were low.  The aides in the waiting room remembered us from my surgery three weeks ago - nice people!!

I was excited to finally see him when he got to the room - he looked good and was not in major pain.  His morphine drip did not work - took us about 45 minutes to figure out that the green light was not coming on for him to push but thankfully the nurse found another machine to switch out to fairly quickly.  Once the morphine started kicking in, he was feeling good.  He had no problems getting up to go to the bathroom and walking around the nurses station.  He loved his ice chips and was glad I brought Carmex for his lips!  He also was killing that breathing contraption that we have to do - oxygen levels were great.  I think the morphine was making him hyper.

I had packed a lunch box for me with yogurt, turkey roll-ups,  & 2 ready to drink protein shakes so I was prepared for the day.  I will admit - that since I was nervous - I did get hungry today and wanted something sweet like candy  or some other form of sweets today but of course I can't eat any of that this early out (kinda scarey for later when I can eat).  I did leave the hospital early - around 6 - as he was fine - needed to sleep and I needed to rest and take care of our dog.  Of course I had to see who won Biggest Loser and watch Dancing with the Stars.

Okay - big day tomorrow as he comes home - hope we can control the pain and get the liquids in!  And hope I can break this stall!  Meeting with the nutritionist in the morning before I go to the hospital - I'm on soft foods. Big sigh of relief and many thankful prayers tonight!

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