Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rough Day/Night!

Yesterday I saw my internist for my post-op visit and discussed my low blood pressure  and low energy. He adjusted my medicine - took me off a lot of meds and my main blood pressure medicine.  Since I have heart disease, I'm still on one medicine that slows my heart and affects my blood pressure - but now only one at night.  My doctor told me I needed some salt and to get some mashed potatoes.  So I did and a little bit of white fish that I really smashed and chewed.  And I could not eat a 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes.  Felt kinda strange but okay.  Week two is a pureed food with my surgeon but they advise to take it slow.

So I thought I'd try some of Eggface's protein ice cream last night.  I love her website! (Don't know how to link to it yet - I need to learn).  What I made had some added Hershey's Sugar Free Caramel Syrup (had no problems when I used a little in the pre-op diet with shakes), Almond Milk since I'm lactose intolerant, and a little bit of Land O'Lakes Sugar Free Whipped Cream. 

WHAT WAS I THINKING?  Evidently almond milk and the syrup & cream or the mashed pototoes did not agree with my body as I was in agony all night.  It was a lower intestine pain - spent the morning in the bathroom and I'm finally feeling a little better.  DUMB - too soon too fast.  

Today I'm back to clear liquids, water, G2 Gatorade and Isopure (the blue flavor is gross but I'm drinking it!).  I will try some Unjury Chicken Soup for dinner to get more protein in.

I do have irritable bowel syndrome and have always had to be careful with what I eat as so many foods trigger problems for me.  I'm just thankful I did not end up in the emergency room!  And I was up on the scale today - bloated from the intestinal pain - serves me right trying to move too fast.  Glad this day is almost over!!!

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