Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pureed Diet Musings...

This blog is really a journal for me to remember this process - it may be a little boring as I journal my thoughts along the way.

This pureed diet is a challenge because I am lactose intolerant and also have a problem with eggs - that seems to be what's all on the list.  Yesterday I tried to make myself eat a little more to see how my sleeve would do and not be so dependent on shakes.  I tried the Instant Cream of Wheat package with 2/3 cup water (instead of having it runny like I did earlier in the week) with Splenda Brown Sugar  - I ate half of it - that was okay.  I had some chicken noodle soup that I pulverized in my little food processor for lunch and a few bites of lactose-free cottage cheese for dinner.  I had also had a shake during the day - so I noticed that on My Fitness Pal I was still running low on protein so I tried to eat some greek yogurt with a lactaid pill and I just couldn't finish it - felt bloated as I went to bed.  And I woke up this morning feeling bloated.

Okay - this paragraph may need skipping as I give out TMI on bathroom issues.  I always have had them with irritable bowel syndrome.  What I've noticed during the pre-op diet and since - is that I can't always tell what is just gas anymore and have had a few incidences where it wasn't - yes Al Roker - I can relate!!  Doing lots of washing.  I seem to be transitioning from diarrhea or all water the first week post-op to something with a little more substance.  As I wake up feeling a little bloated and like I need to go, my cream of wheat and a few sips of decaffeinated coffee seems to be doing the trick.  (I'm beginning to feel like my 91 year old mother who seems to be obsessed with her bowel movements - I'm so sorry - please God don't let me turn into her!!!) And I haven't lost anything in 5 days.

I think it's a lactose thing that is making me feel bloated even though I'm taking the lactaid - think I need to try some of the Synthrax shakes today that aren't milk based - have a sample of a Strawberry Kiwi one to try later on today.  I'm noticing that some of the protein powders I've bought have milk products in them - uh-oh - may need to send to my boys (who use protein shakes working out).  Maybe I'll try some pureed chicken salad today. Today my goal is to get 60 grams of protein in!  And to walk!  I've been neglecting walking since my energy was so low - it's getting better so no excuses nowfor starting a walking program.

Have a great day!!


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