Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Heart Attack in 2007

In April 2007, I had a heart attack in the middle of my son's baseball season his senior year.  I was 47, had been dieting that year and had lost around 30 lbs or more doing a high protein diet.  My son's baseball season was definitely stressful as we couldn't always understand the changes the coach would make concerning our son's playing time.  Yes, I was definitely a biased baseball parent.  The following is an account of my heart attack experience that I wrote a couple of days afterward.

April 14, 2007
"Monday night (after working my concession shift at the JV HS baseball game), I started having pain between my shoulder blades (like a knife in my back), both arms ached, my breastbone hurt, my teeth hurt, etc. and I could not get comfortable no matter what I did.  I took Tums, Rolaids, Bayer Asprin, etc. with no relief. I had not eaten dinner so I was praying it was indigestion - was dreaming about that "purple pill" which I did not have. 

My husband called our internist that morning and took me into see him. He did an EKG and that did not show any major changes - he thought that there was only a 20% chance it was my heart but he sent me to the ER and had a cardiologist meet me there. After viewing the EKG from the ER, the ER (male) and the cardiologist (male) also did not think it was my heart but wanted to keep me there to find out the results of the blood enzyme levels and to run a treadmill stress test the next day. 

At this point, we are ready to check me out - son has a game that night, I was feeling a little better, then the ER doc comes in and says "I was wrong - the blood tests show an elevation in the enzymes that relate to the heart." Immediately to the ICU I go!! No baseball game for us! (they won by the way without us!)  Our son did not find out I had a heart attack until after the game.

I am one lucky gal!  I had a heart cath the next morning - showed a blockage - had the angioplasty and a stent put in. I immediately felt better! I was amazed at how loose all the staff was at the heart cath lab - they were all joking around.

I got to come home the very next day (last night) and have already walked 20 minutes this morning due to the doc's orders! Technology is amazing!

So gals, my cholesterol levels were ok - my good cholesterol is low, I had already lost 30 pounds this year trying to get healthier (hurts my feelings that this happened), but years of abuse and family history I guess took its toll.

Only bad news is that my son was supposed to have his spring signing on April 11th at school that got cancelled due to me in the hospital - he is going to play D2 ball at Colorado School of Mines and study engineering. We are thrilled for him! 

Another funny side note for you baseball moms - the ER nurse at our Texas hospital has a son that is playing D2 ball in Nebraska! They had just moved to Texas and were missing their son. He started out at a D1 school and since transferred to a D2 school and likes it better - felt going to a D1 was like having a fulltime job. Amazing how baseball ties people together!

So - don't ignore those symptoms! I am feeling so blessed today and thankful! I even get to go to my son's game tonight! "

After the heart attack, I was so good with the low-fat diet for about 6-9 months.  It bothered me to see people put butter on their rolls in front of me.  I remember talking to a nurse while I was in ICU - telling her I would never be able to eat a sausage biscuit again - she told me I would - I would forget about this experience in time and go back to some old eating habits.  Unfortunately, she was right - I did go back to eating sausage biscuits again.  My internist also told me it was unrealistic to think I would never eat pizza again - and I did.  Unfortunately, I've been losing weight and gaining weight each year - at my highest weight before surgery I was probably up 50 lbs from my heart attack weight.  My father had a history of heart disease and died of a stroke at 77 - so my family history is against me.

I do have checkups with the cardiologist every year and he does a nuclear stress test.  I had to have one before my VSG.  The last stress test did show some abnormal findings - he had to review it more closely before he cleared me for surgery.  I'm hoping I'll see some different results on that stress test next year after having this surgery.

This surgery was very important to getting my health back.  I have to take this heart disease seriously and not put my head in the sand and forget I have to take care of myself by eating a heart healthy diet, exercise, take my heart medication, and see my cardiologist regularly.  Hopefully this tool - the VSG - will help me achieve a new healthier life!


Getting Back to Gym

I posted the other day that I was cleared to go back to the gym on Monday and it was hard for me to walk back in that door - it had been at least 9 months since I'd been back.  And it was hard to walk in that door but I did it!!  I went later in the day and hardly anyone was there.  No one made a big deal about me being there and left me alone to do my thing.

Boy - I had been walking on our neighborhood paths for around 30 minutes each day for the past week.  The treadmill was much harder for some reason - after 10 minutes on the treadmill I was done - exhausted.  And I wasn't at a high speed or didn't have it at a high incline.  Ugh!  I then went and did light weights - no abdominal exercises (scared & still think I'm a little swollen - plus I hate abdominal exercises!).  After the weights - I did 10 more minutes on the treadmill.

I did get a Fitbit One - I'm loving watching my steps each day and trying to increase them every day.  I'm not up to the 10,000 steps yet - a little over half way there- but I'll get there.  I'm not sure I should have spent the money for the Fitbit One as it can measure your sleep but I haven't used that function yet - don't really like the wristband that you wear at night and attach it to.  I've been attaching the Fitbit to my bra and totally forget about it.  I'll have to be careful and not wash it.

Yesterday it was just as hard to make myself go back to the gym again!  When is this going to get easier?  The treadmill went a little easier and I lifted more light weights.  I'm worried about the loose skin and my arms.  I also have heart disease so exercising isn't an option for me - it is a must.  I still broke up the treadmill into 10 minute segments again - eventually I know I'll build up to more as my energy levels increase.

I really loved Zumba in the past when I was exercising more regularly - I hope I can get my energy & fitness levels up so I can go back.  Why can't I be a person who loves to exercise?  I wish I had a partner to go with to exercise but don't at this time - I do need someone to make me accountable.  Oh - well - I'm done this VSG to make myself healthier and exercise is part of this equation no matter how many excuses I come up with to get out of it.  (Did I tell you my left knee is hurting a little? - see what I mean - EXCUSES, excuses.)  I'm a work in progress!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thankful & Shingles Story

I'm feeling very thankful today for the VSG surgery that my husband and I have recently gotten!  A little background on my 54 year old husband - he is a big guy - 6'2 - former D2 college football offensive lineman - who has always eaten a lot and fought his weight.  He was around 240 when we married 26 years ago - I was around 130.  He was diagnosed with Type II diabetes & high blood pressure probably 20 - 25 years ago.  His blood pressure has been under control with medication but not his diabetes.  He was insulin dependent and his highest weight has probably been 370 lbs. This is a long story about his shingles experience this past year - hang in there!

Last year on Memorial Day weekend, my husband just didn't feel good and thought he was getting an ear infection and  I noticed a red spot on his forehead (I thought he was getting a pimple).  I headed out on a 9 hour drive on that Tuesday to go see my  90 year old mother who was recovering from a TIA (mini-stroke) and was in a rehab.  My husband decided to see our internist on Tuesday afternoon about what he thought was an ear infection.  The internist took one look at him and told him he had shingles - it was starting in his left ear, top of his head and around his left eye.  He put him on the viral medication and gave him some pain killers.  The doctor also insisted that he immediately go see an ophthalmologist that day about the shingles and his left eye because he could go BLIND from the shingles.  The ophthalmologist put him on drops and made him come back in a week - thankfully the shingles did not get in his eye and his vision is okay.

Only about 3-4 shingles poxes crusted over - the anti-viral medication did work on the rash but did not handle the nerve pain.  The prescription pain meds made him nauseous so he handled the pain with Advil.  He works in a small office (with an hour commute each way) - turns out the president of his company had not had the chicken pox and my husband had been in the office with the rash developing before he knew it was the shingles. Thank goodness this man did not develop chicken pox from my husband (Barbara Walters got the chicken pox from an actor who was getting the shingles).  Our internist had recommended the shingles vaccination earlier that year for both of us but neither one of us had gotten it.  Not smart of us!  I immediately went to Walgreen's when I got back from helping my mother and got my vaccination - cost $250 - insurance would not cover it - and ended up having to get it at their clinic instead of through the pharmacist because I was not 60 (I am 54).

But unfortunately, the shingles story did not end there.  Let me back up - a couple of weeks before my husband broke out with the shingles, he had an episode in the middle of the night - he thought he might be having a heart attack, severe sweating, nausea, no arm or chest pain - he woke me up to help him back to bed.  Once he was flat and back in bed, he went back to sleep and woke feeling fine.  The stubborn man would not go to the doctor when he woke up and ended up going on in tot work.  Turns out this was his first episode of vertigo - we just didn't know it at the time.

About a month after he broke out with the shingles, he developed 6th nerve palsy - which means his left eye would not move to the right.  The ophthalmologist thought his diabetes was the reason for this development - we thought it was the shingles virus affecting his 6th cranial nerve.  Nothing he could do but monitor his blood sugar, patch his eye when driving, used some drops to help prevent infection, and wait it out.  It felt like this lasted forever but probably only lasted 2-3 months.

After his eye got better in the fall, my husband then starting noticing more of a ringing in his left ear, a feeling of fullness, and the coming and going of the hearing in that ear.  And more episodes of vertigo.  We went to see a ear specialist who did lots of testing on his ear and said he either had meniere's disease or vestibular neuritis caused by the shingles virus.  He gave him medicine to take whenever he experienced a vertigo episode but there was nothing he could do but wait this out as the nerves regenerated - this was affecting the 8th cranial nerve.

He had a couple of episodes of vertigo while driving - thankfully God was watching out for him and he did not have a wreck.  Once we were on a road trip and he felt the vertigo coming on and there were no exits or shoulders for him to pullover for about 10 minutes for me to takeover driving.  Thankfully he finally got to pull over and I drove the rest of the way home.  The medication for vertigo does work for him but it would make him very sleepy.

During these months of dealing with the aftermath of shingles, my husband finally started testing his blood sugar more often and realized he was not taking enough insulin.  Unfortunately, the insulin makes you hungry and he ended up gaining more weight.  It's a vicious cycle.  As I was reading message boards about shingles, meniere's disease, vestibular neuritis, post-herpetic neuralgia, 6th cranial nerve palsy, the only thing I read that really seemed to help people was anti-inflammation diet - which is basically cutting out all the white foods.  My husband wasn't ready for that and our internist said that his research didn't support that the anti-inflammation diet would help him but would be good for diabetes.  My husband tried both lyrica and gabapentin - helped some - but the lyrica made him not think clearly so he did not take that for long.  He also tried some vitamins and minerals I got from the health store - anything to help combat this illness!  The doctors all tell us that his healing from the vestibular neuritis or post-herpetic neuralgia will just take time as the nerves regenerate.

This is a long story but it's been a long year dealing with the aftermath of the shingles - his shingles broke out Memorial Day and in March he was still dealing with the fullness in his head, hearing coming and going,  and the tinnitus (which varied from ringing, buzzing to full out roaring in his head).  Most weekends he spent in bed napping and just not feeling good - he did not miss many days of work - so weekends were spent trying to catch up on rest.

ONE WEEK after his VSG surgery, my husband says this is the best he has felt in two months!!! Immediately after surgery, he did not have any ringing in his ears or the fullness feeling for a few days. It has come back but he says it's more at a manageable stage and not near as bad as it was before surgery!  As he is off of half his blood pressure and diabetes medications and his blood sugar is totally under control, we are all thrilled!  He is on the anti-inflammation diet just by default with the pre-op and post-op diets - he has lost 18 pounds in one week since surgery and 28 all together! He started the pre-op diet at around 342 lbs.

I am so thankful ALREADY that this VSG surgery is making a difference in the quality of our lives as his health will continue to improve. Hopefully this journey with the shingles will soon be OVER!!

MOTTO OF THIS STORY:  If you are over 50, please run to the pharmacy - and get your SHINGLES VACCINATION - insurance will not cover it - it's worth the $250!!! The FDA approved the vaccine for everyone over 50 in 2006. It is an individual choice but if you have any immune system disorders - you are most vulnerable to this shingles virus.

If I could do a cartwheel right now I would - that's how happy I am that my husband is FINALLY feeling better - I do feel that having his diabetes under control is making a huge difference.  Plus the anti-inflammation diet!!  HALLELUJAH!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Back to Gym??

Okay, today I'm nervous as I head back to my gym as I've gotten the release to start working out.  I'm 4 weeks out.  My gym is smaller and geared to older adults - no kids daycare - I did really enjoy it when I was working out regularly (One of my problems - easy for me to find reasons not to go work out!).  I joined a few years ago as I know the owners and one of the trainers is my good friend.  But the problem with going to a smaller gym is that you cannot go and slip into the back row - sight unseen - they will notice me.  I haven't been there in probably 9 months.  My friend knows about my VSG surgery and is encouraging but the owners don't - I'm not sure if they will think I'm taking the easy way out - but they really don't need to know!  I just want to get on the treadmill and lift my light weights without anybody making a big deal about me getting back to working out.  Just leave me alone!!

I'm still on a soft diet - I'm really loving some baked sweet potatoes during this stage - I cook them about 5 minutes in microwave (after piercing them with fork) and then bake in the oven at 350 for about 30 more minutes. I use a little butter on it - but as I'm not eating much - it's not adding up to much.  A little bit of chicken and sweet potatoes makes a wonderful dinner!  I think also think a little bit of complex carbohydrates helps my energy levels a little.  This week I'm going to add some green beans to the mix - I know I need some green veggies.

Constipation has become a problem these past couple of weeks and probably one reason for my slower weight loss.  Last week I broke my 16 day stall as I ended up losing 2.6 lbs last week.  I'll take that loss!  I've used Milk of Magnesia a couple of times (worked in two hours) but that's not a long term solution.  I've started using Miralax in a pitcher of Crystal Light to drink all day.  Coffee in the morning used to get things going for me - doesn't always work now - but I'm drinking a cup every morning.  I'm also eating some oatmeal in the mornings - trying to get some more fiber in my diet.  New problems on this NEW NORMAL with VSG but I'll figure it out!!

Notice above that I'm making excuses already for not going back to the gym?  How typical of me!  Like the people working there will have a parade that I'm back to the gym??  My favorite saying of my mother, "You wouldn't worry so much about what people think of you if you realize how seldom they do."  The gym people probably don't realize it's been so long since I've been there - they have their own life problems to deal with & I'm not on their list to worry about! Okay - time to get off this computer and go work-out!  I can do this!!

One Week Update on Hubby!

I cannot believe we are one week past my husband's surgery and four weeks past mine!  Hallelujah!  We made it - now we just got to stick with the plan and make this tool work!  This past week my husband was home recuperating - was not his usual grumpy sick self (as with colds in the past) - he was quieter than usual but handled his surgery fine.  He never took the prescription pain medicine at home - a few Children's Tylenol but not many as he said he really was not in pain.  Yes, he was slow getting up and down and in and out of bed but did great.  He did visit our internist on Friday after Monday's surgery and I think that helped getting his blood pressure and blood sugar guidelines from the doctor that quickly.  He's off of HALF his medications.  I waited until the 2nd week to see the internist and by that time my blood pressure was too low and I was very weak.

Today he is back at work and started his pureed food diet - I packed his new Bento lunch box (from recommendations) with two GNC Total Lean shakes, a Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt, applesauce, Campbell's Tomato Soup (heat in the can),  & 4 whole wheat ritz crackers.  I couldn't find the blue ice packs at our grocery store so went to our local Academy to find them - they were with the ice chests and hunting supplies.  He's looking forward to refried beans for dinner!

The main concern I have with my husband going back to work (desk job) is his commute - an hour there and home.  Hopefully his energy levels will be okay to handle the commute. As he was getting bored at home, I think he was ready to get his brain working again - how much Sportscenter, basketball, American Pickers & Pawn Stars  - can one watch?? He's planning on taking a nap at lunch! Life is getting back to a NEW NORMAL!!  Oh by the way - did I mention HE LOST 16 POUNDS THIS PAST WEEK??  WOO HOO!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stall over & Hunger Pains

Hallelujah!!  This VSG surgery is going to work, I'm not a complete failure at dieting, I'm not the one person whose sleeve doesn't work, and all the other negative thoughts in my head were wrong!  I'm finally down - let's hear it - one pound!!  OKAY - I'LL TAKE IT - after being at the same weight -or up and down 2/10's of a pound for 16 days!!  My husband heard me shout after getting on the scale that morning and thought something was wrong - No - just happy!!!

I'm now having constipation problems which may be the reason the scale is not moving more - I'm going to have to figure this out without Milk of Magnesia - what fiber to add to my diet.  I'm on the soft foods stage so no roughage to help move things along.  I need to concentrate on getting all the water in also.

Another problem - this week I've been hungry about an hour after eating.  I've never had acid problems before but hopefully that is what this is.  I took some Gaviscon tablets last night - after doing some reading on Obesity Helps - sounds like it takes about three days to get the acid under control if that is what this is.  It also could be the leftover ghrelin in my body or the nerve endings in my stomach regrowing or coming alive - who knows.  I don't want to have hunger pains though and feel like I need to eat all the time.

What a journey!  Looks like I'm going to be a slow loser but I always have been in the past.  Slow and steady wins the race - right???

Update on Hubby

I always thought men were horrible at being patients - at least my husband usually is- but he has breezed through this surgery.  I am so surprised!  No complaining and no grumblings!  Amazing!  Now he is not ready to run any marathons and has been quieter than normal - but he is doing okay.  He has not had any prescription pain meds since leaving the hospital.  I have the Children's Chewable Tylenol - I took 3 at a time when I was recovering - but he has hardly had any.  He slept on his side the first night home from the hospital - no problems getting in and out of bed.

Yesterday I took him to our internist for a post-op appointment.  He had been on 3 diabetic medications and 3 high blood pressure meds - the doctor took him off of half of the medications already!  Pretty exciting.  And he's down 11 pounds since surgery - about 23 with the pre-op diet.

And about that pre-op diet which was supposed to be a light breakfast, one meal with a lean protein and two green veggies, and two protein shakes - that is not what he did.  He basically did a high protein- low fat - low carb diet.  He is Type II Diabetic.  We laughed when the surgeon told us his liver looked great - when hubby confessed his version of the pre-op diet - the surgeon said whatever he did worked - his liver looked great.

Of course he is already tired of the Isopure - think we are going to have some leftover Isopure bottles for sale!!  He's eating jello, some Unjury chicken soup, chicken broth, etc.  He's planning on going back to work on Monday - my only concern is his commute - an hour both ways to work.  His job is a desk job so he'll be fine with that.  Next week he starts on pureed food - I've gotten the Bento lunch box for him and we will load it up with his food to take with him.

I'm so glad surgery is over for both of us and everything went well.  God is good!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Funny Surgery Story

My 345 lb  54 yr old husband was in the surgery holding area on Monday morning - just minutes away from his VSG - and an anesthesiologist type person asked him "NOW WHAT LIFESTYLE CHANGES DID YOU TRY TO MAKE BEFORE DECIDING TO HAVE THIS SURGERY?"  
His response , "NONE!"
Hubby's thinking, "Are you Fricking kidding me - minutes away from surgery - you want to talk about all the times I've gained and lost weight through the years?  You really think I'd be getting 85% of my stomach taken out if I hadn't tried all kinds of diets and lifestyle changes??  I'm not going there with you!"  
The guy was a little taken back but I guess they went on to have a decent conversation.  I don't think this guy was in the operating room with him cause our surgeon has told us he has a woman anesthesiologist that he likes to work with. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

First Visit with NUT

Today I had my first visit with the nutritionist.  I'm on the 4th week of post-op and on the 2nd week of soft foods.  I do think she was surprised that I knew so much about what we should be eating, the rules such as chewing 25 - 30 times, no drinking with meals, etc.  She did have plastic food that was in 2 oz and 3 oz sizes which was a great visual for me to see portion amounts.

She has planned for me to eat 1300 calories a day - WOW!  No way I can eat that much at this point of my journey.  She was shocked that I had not eaten any vegetables yet - well - I'm eating soft foods now  and concentrating on the protein.  She made some good points about eating a variety of food so I do not get bored and increasing the vegetables and fruits.  She also wants me to get the majority of the protein in food rather than shakes which I understand but not possible at this point.

My plan before meeting with her was to stay in the 600-800 range and watch my protein levels, eat low carb and drink lots of water.  Now I'm a little confused as I'm in a 14 day stall.  I'm reading on Obesity Helps - what a great website and support group.  Come on scale - MOVE!!!

Husband's Surgery Experience

My husband was sleeved yesterday - he's a Type II diabetic, has high blood pressure and some other issues - he's 6'2" 343 lbs going into surgery.  Surgery went well and he had no nausea.  His pain was controlled with a morphine drip.

We were disappointed in the care with the hospitalist and how that doctor handled his blood sugar or lack of blood sugar control.  His blood sugar was a little high coming out of surgery and last night.  No insulin was given to him because he was NPO - no liquids until the barium leak test in the AM.  No blood sugar checks in the middle of the night until 5 am.  He finally got a small amount of insulin around noon along with a tray of sugary liquids to drink after the early morning barium leak test was negative.  No sugar free jello or liquids.  The blood sugar continued to rise and no visit from the hospital doctor - our surgeon said he might have to stay a 2nd night because of his high blood sugar.  The hospital doctor did not answer his pages from the nurse to increase the insulin.  My husband told the nurse he refused to stay the 2nd night (we are self-pay) because the doctor was not prescribing the correct amount of insulin and was not coming in to see him to discuss the matter.  He was tolerating liquids well, walking and getting around great.

The nursing staff during the day was great and understood his need for more insulin and how frustrating the situation was.  The hospitalist never came to see him and released him with a phone call - we got home around 6 pm.  He quickly checked his blood sugar and took his needed insulin dosage.  His blood pressure is doing great with no meds so far.

He is seeing our internist on Friday morning to go over all numbers and medications.  Pretty exciting that we are both on our way to getting healthy together!  So glad the hard part is over!  God is good!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hubby Sleeved Today!

Quick update as it's been a long day but my husband got his vertical sleeve today also - three weeks after mine!  I'm so glad we are doing this together!  Our internist has been trying to get him to have weight loss surgery for years because of his Type II Diabetes - he has been becoming more and more dependent on insulin and having other health problems.  I guess we've made eating out and eating unhealthy a bad hobby together - not good but times are 'a changing!

His surgery took two hours - I was getting pretty nervous towards the end.  Thank goodness I had a friend with me.  Our surgeon said that my husband had a very large stomach with lots of fat around that  it made the surgery a little more complicated but a success.  He also stayed in the recovery room for a couple of hours because his oxygen levels were low.  The aides in the waiting room remembered us from my surgery three weeks ago - nice people!!

I was excited to finally see him when he got to the room - he looked good and was not in major pain.  His morphine drip did not work - took us about 45 minutes to figure out that the green light was not coming on for him to push but thankfully the nurse found another machine to switch out to fairly quickly.  Once the morphine started kicking in, he was feeling good.  He had no problems getting up to go to the bathroom and walking around the nurses station.  He loved his ice chips and was glad I brought Carmex for his lips!  He also was killing that breathing contraption that we have to do - oxygen levels were great.  I think the morphine was making him hyper.

I had packed a lunch box for me with yogurt, turkey roll-ups,  & 2 ready to drink protein shakes so I was prepared for the day.  I will admit - that since I was nervous - I did get hungry today and wanted something sweet like candy  or some other form of sweets today but of course I can't eat any of that this early out (kinda scarey for later when I can eat).  I did leave the hospital early - around 6 - as he was fine - needed to sleep and I needed to rest and take care of our dog.  Of course I had to see who won Biggest Loser and watch Dancing with the Stars.

Okay - big day tomorrow as he comes home - hope we can control the pain and get the liquids in!  And hope I can break this stall!  Meeting with the nutritionist in the morning before I go to the hospital - I'm on soft foods. Big sigh of relief and many thankful prayers tonight!

Friday, March 15, 2013


Well - I'm in my third week post-op and I haven't lost a POUND in over 11 days!! UGH!  I've graduated to soft foods this week so my diet is tasting better.  I've had oatmeal, chicken, salmon, tuna fish, and mashed potatoes.  And a few whole wheat Ritz crackers with the tuna fish.  Life is getting better.

Yesterday I went to see my surgeon for my post-op visit.  He told I was doing good - was down 23 pounds from my first visit.  I told him about my stall and he told me it was because I was not eating enough calories.  My calorie intact has been around 500 each day on My Fitness Pal (love the app!) and 60 grams of protein each day.  He said I would not lose weight at that low of a calorie intact - I had put my body into starvation mode and it would not burn fat - I needed to increase my calories and eat every two hours.  In the last two weeks I've heard two statements from doctors that I never thought I would hear - "Eat more" and "Salt is your friend" (low blood pressure last week).

Turns out eating every two hours is harder than it sounds - I really am not hungry every two hours so it is hard eating more protein all the time.  I have been eating more greek yogurt and drinking two protein shakes - one in the morning and one at night to increase my protein & calories.  And it's hard to eat two ounces of chicken or fish - I do get full very fast!

It is discouraging that the scale is not moving - I am walking every day this week - getting easier every day - more energy every day.  On my old diets, I would be diving into some sweets right now about the stall - but since I physically cannot eat them right now without getting sick - I am on track!! Who knows how I'll do when this new stomach heals! It will be a test - for sure! Now come on scale - move tomorrow!  I know - I shouldn't weight every day but I do.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pureed Diet Musings...

This blog is really a journal for me to remember this process - it may be a little boring as I journal my thoughts along the way.

This pureed diet is a challenge because I am lactose intolerant and also have a problem with eggs - that seems to be what's all on the list.  Yesterday I tried to make myself eat a little more to see how my sleeve would do and not be so dependent on shakes.  I tried the Instant Cream of Wheat package with 2/3 cup water (instead of having it runny like I did earlier in the week) with Splenda Brown Sugar  - I ate half of it - that was okay.  I had some chicken noodle soup that I pulverized in my little food processor for lunch and a few bites of lactose-free cottage cheese for dinner.  I had also had a shake during the day - so I noticed that on My Fitness Pal I was still running low on protein so I tried to eat some greek yogurt with a lactaid pill and I just couldn't finish it - felt bloated as I went to bed.  And I woke up this morning feeling bloated.

Okay - this paragraph may need skipping as I give out TMI on bathroom issues.  I always have had them with irritable bowel syndrome.  What I've noticed during the pre-op diet and since - is that I can't always tell what is just gas anymore and have had a few incidences where it wasn't - yes Al Roker - I can relate!!  Doing lots of washing.  I seem to be transitioning from diarrhea or all water the first week post-op to something with a little more substance.  As I wake up feeling a little bloated and like I need to go, my cream of wheat and a few sips of decaffeinated coffee seems to be doing the trick.  (I'm beginning to feel like my 91 year old mother who seems to be obsessed with her bowel movements - I'm so sorry - please God don't let me turn into her!!!) And I haven't lost anything in 5 days.

I think it's a lactose thing that is making me feel bloated even though I'm taking the lactaid - think I need to try some of the Synthrax shakes today that aren't milk based - have a sample of a Strawberry Kiwi one to try later on today.  I'm noticing that some of the protein powders I've bought have milk products in them - uh-oh - may need to send to my boys (who use protein shakes working out).  Maybe I'll try some pureed chicken salad today. Today my goal is to get 60 grams of protein in!  And to walk!  I've been neglecting walking since my energy was so low - it's getting better so no excuses nowfor starting a walking program.

Have a great day!!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Better Day Today!

Today I felt better as I learned from my mistakes on Wednesday.  I've always had a sensitive digestive system as I've dealt with irritable bowl syndrome since my twenties.  I'm going to have to be super careful and slow about the foods I introduce to my new sleeve.  I had a few bites of a baked sweet potato today - left it at that.  Drinking a protein shake now to get all my protein in today.

I had to go to our local mall today to the Apple Store to get my computer worked on - what I thought would be a 10 minute appointment turned into a 45 minute wait.  Ugh!  Since I didn't have the energy to walk the mall or shop - I went to the food court and got a glass of iced tea.  About 6 vendors approached me with samples - none appealed to me.  As I sat there enjoying my tea, I was amazed that the pizza and other food smells didn't bother me!  All I had had for lunch was some greek yogurt.  Maybe this loss of the ghrehlin thing is a real thing!!! A wonderful thing!  I couldn't have sat there before surgery without wanting to get something.

Good day - had more energy but still felt like a little old lady walking into the mall and the grocery store today!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rough Day/Night!

Yesterday I saw my internist for my post-op visit and discussed my low blood pressure  and low energy. He adjusted my medicine - took me off a lot of meds and my main blood pressure medicine.  Since I have heart disease, I'm still on one medicine that slows my heart and affects my blood pressure - but now only one at night.  My doctor told me I needed some salt and to get some mashed potatoes.  So I did and a little bit of white fish that I really smashed and chewed.  And I could not eat a 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes.  Felt kinda strange but okay.  Week two is a pureed food with my surgeon but they advise to take it slow.

So I thought I'd try some of Eggface's protein ice cream last night.  I love her website! (Don't know how to link to it yet - I need to learn).  What I made had some added Hershey's Sugar Free Caramel Syrup (had no problems when I used a little in the pre-op diet with shakes), Almond Milk since I'm lactose intolerant, and a little bit of Land O'Lakes Sugar Free Whipped Cream. 

WHAT WAS I THINKING?  Evidently almond milk and the syrup & cream or the mashed pototoes did not agree with my body as I was in agony all night.  It was a lower intestine pain - spent the morning in the bathroom and I'm finally feeling a little better.  DUMB - too soon too fast.  

Today I'm back to clear liquids, water, G2 Gatorade and Isopure (the blue flavor is gross but I'm drinking it!).  I will try some Unjury Chicken Soup for dinner to get more protein in.

I do have irritable bowel syndrome and have always had to be careful with what I eat as so many foods trigger problems for me.  I'm just thankful I did not end up in the emergency room!  And I was up on the scale today - bloated from the intestinal pain - serves me right trying to move too fast.  Glad this day is almost over!!!

Salt is My Friend Today?????


I've been battling low blood pressure these past couple of days after being on high blood pressure medicine for probably the past twenty years.  I have absolutely no energy.  Today I went to see my internist for my post-op appointment and brought him my blood pressure readings.  When I was scared Friday & Saturday when my blood pressure was higher and I kept taking medicine - he said that was nothing.  He did change my medication - no longer on my main high blood pressure medication.  Because I have heart disease, I'm still on Plavix, Simvastatin, and Metropropol (which does affect my blood pressure).  I'll wait to add the daily aspirin until I'm on full foods.

What shocked me was when he told me that I needed some salt (today) in my diet and to get some carb calories in for energy.  Since I just started pureed foods at one week out, I'm still scared to eat much.  Yesterday I pulverized some chicken with some chicken broth and ate a 1/4 cup.  Pretty gross.  Had some cream of wheat - no taste and really no nutritional value.  I'm getting my protein in from shakes and greek yogurt.  So I went to our local Luby's and got a LuAnn plate with baked fish and mashed potatoes - no roll.  I tried to eat maybe an ounce of the fish mashed (none of the toppings) and 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes with salt! Got almost all of that in until I started to feel a little uncomfortable - I'm new at this sleeve business so I don't know how much I can really eat yet.  Yes - those mashed potatoes tasted wonderful - in MY Fitness Pal they were 69 calories 6.3 carbs and 1.4 grams of protein.  Ok - fat was 4.6 grams.  I'm having the same for dinner - with SALT !

I know I won't be eating salt for long as my blood pressure stabilizes but it really made me feel better.  So strange to hear a doctor tell a fat person to eat salt!!!  Oh - I had lost 10 pounds since my visit to see him the week before surgery!!  Yeah!!!

Hopefully my energy will come back this week so I can get some exercise in - more than walking around my house each hour!  What a journey this is!!

One Week Out!


Wow!  I woke up this morning excited I was a week out but man - absolutely no energy at all today.  Thank goodness I did not have anything important going on and could rest today.  I also got to start on the puree stage - which makes me nervous about what I can eat.

I started off with a little bit of Cream of Wheat with some splenda - needed some butter and brown sugar!  Guess I still have a long way to go in conquering my food addictions!  I had some greek yogurt and a GNC Total lean shake - I like those!  My stomach felt a little upset - had some Tums and some Lactaid with the yogurt.  Hope I can eat these since I'm starting to become more lactose intolerant.

I called the doctor's office on my weakness - the nurse said I needed to get some calories in - that was hard to do on the clear liquid diet.  I can also take the chewable vitamins now and also a chewable B12.  Hope this helps.  My blood pressure was totally normal today without medication - weird since it was high Friday & Saturday with medication - guess the healing is taking place.  I will see my internist this week and am documenting the BP.

Good news is that I'm down 10 lbs since last Monday!!  Yeah!

Sunday Musings....


Sunday musings...

Well - today is the first day I feel really weak.  I think it's because my blood pressure has been kinda crazy the past couple of days and is finally down today.  Going to see the internist tomorrow about it and for the one week post-op visit.

I am so grateful that I am almost a week past surgery - this time last Sunday I was working myself into a nervous frenzy - cleaning out my closet, writing letters to my family in case something happened, etc. God is good - everything went fine and I'm pain free!  And I've lost 9.4 lbs since last Monday!!!  Woo! Hoo!

My husband starts his 14 day pre-op diet tomorrow - he just ordered his last meal - a pizza.  Smells good but somehow that 9.4 lbs seems more worth it!  I'm excited for his journey to start - this next week will be tough for him to be on the diet as he will be traveling this week but he can do it - I have faith!!

To be honest, today is the first day I've really gotten out of my nightgown into clothes - I just haven't wanted anything around my waist.  And my bra feels tight around my rib cage - must be cause the one incisions is right below the center of my bra.  Yes,  I've been taking it very easy - guess I'll join the world this next week!  Hope my energy comes back!

Feeling very grateful and thankful that this past week has past!  I'll say it again - God is good!

Day of VSG Surgery finally here!

My surgery date was Monday, February 25th.  My surgeon actually called me on Sunday to tell me to eat light that day, nothing after 5 pm but clear liquids and nothing after midnight. He also wanted to go over my medications and any questions I had - wow - the call was unexpected and so nice!

My surgery was the night before the Academy Awards!  Thank goodness I love the Oscars as that helped keep my mind occupied instead of being too nervous about the surgery.  My friends and I were texting back and forth about the dresses, awards, etc. that made the night fun as it could be!  I did get some sleep that night.

I had to be at the hospital at 8 am for a 10:15 surgery.  As soon as I got back into the room to change into a hospital gown, they were already calling for me in pre-op.  I quickly told my husband goodbye - thought I was going to be way ahead of schedule - but oh no - I spent 45 minutes to an hour in the pre-op waiting dock.  They gave me some headphones to listen to music - I would rather have had valium but no anxiety meds until I met with anesthesiologist.  I told the anesthesiologist how I had been nausated with all past surgeries so to give me all the good drugs he could.  The surgeon came by and talked to me also.

Last thing I remembered was being taken back to the operating room and transferring to the operating table - nothing after that - no counting backwards etc.  When I woke up - no nausea - YEAH! - they asked me about pain - I told them a 5 - started getting pain meds- was moved to a room a couple of hours later.  (I think).

I was shocked about the pain levels - more soreness than actual hurting.  I've had two C-sections to compare this to - I was just uncomfortable.  I was given a pump to control my pain - I thought I was hitting the button pretty often because I like to stay ahead of the pain - but the surgeon said I didn't really use a whole lot of pain medication.

Later that day I got ice chips, sat in a chair, walked around the nurses station a few times and went to the bathroom.  I sent my husband home around 6:30 that night cause I knew I was just going to sleep. A successful day that will hopefully get me on a healthy path of life!!! Not as bad as I anticipated!

Nesting before Surgery!

As the date for my surgery got closer, I found myself in a nervous frenzy to clean things out  - "nesting" (like before you give birth).  Guess I'm giving birth to a smaller stomach!  I'll confess - my house may look clean from the outside but please don't open drawers or closets - that's where all the junk is.  I told one friend if anything happened to me she had to go into my closet first before anyone else!!!

So I tackled the pantry, refrigerator & freezer when my husband wasn't there as he has a hard time seeing food go to waste.  (He's getting sleeved 3 weeks later than me).  Our boys are out of the house so we don't need to keep junk food around for them.  I did a little bit at a time each week before I knew the trash was going to be picked up.  I also get overwhelmed with the idea of cleaning out things so I do better in 30 minute increments of cleaning.

My closet was the biggest hurdle - it was a nightmare.  I also had to tackle it in several 30 minute sessions!  First I got rid of what I knew I would never wear no matter how much weight I lost.  Then clothes that were just worn-out.  How many black short-sleeved t-shirts does one person need?  Can't wait to have a wardrobe that is not based on BLACK!!!

The day before the surgery I was a nervous wreck and so back to the closet project and I then concentrated on shoes - how many pairs of flip-flops does one need?  I live in a southern climate so I wear flip flops a lot - but I did get rid of many pairs that I hadn't worn in the last year.

So good news - my closet is not perfect but I now know I can walk-in and see what I have!  I can't wait to get rid of these large clothes!  Yeah for nesting!!!

Pre-op Diet

Okay, I started the pre-op diet Feb 11th two weeks before my surgery date of Feb 25th.  My surgeon has an easier pre-op diet - a light breakfast of either cereal, toast, fruit, oatmeal, egg, then another meal of a lean protein with two green veggies, then two protein shake or protein mixed in greek yogurt.  No white stuff or fats.

I've noticed that every time in the past when I've started a diet and detoxing off of sugar - I always seem to have diarrhea.  I also have irritable bowl syndrome.  So long story short, had lots of diarrhea that first week.  I stayed really busy so I wouldn't be tempted by eating snacks.  I liked my shakes - I used the GNC Total Lean ready made Vanilla Bean & Swiss Chocolate shakes that I liked a lot.

I started getting lightheaded after 6-7 days on the diet - checked my blood pressure and it was on the low side (I'm on medication) .  The diarrhea wasn't as bad the second week.  So I closely started documenting my blood pressure and saw my internist- pretty incredible that I basically stopped taking BP meds after one week on the diet.  He wanted me to take half a pill when the top number was over 160 - I think I did twice - and keep documenting the numbers.  Guess my diet before was full of processed foods and salt to have my blood pressure affected so quickly!!

The countdown is on to the surgery!! I can do this!

Telling Family & Friends - Yikes!


Quote from mom:  "You wouldn't worry so much about what other people think about you if you realize how seldom they did."

Deciding to have weight loss surgery - the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) has been a tough decision to make but after consulting with doctors and my husband, we feel like it is the right decision.  Now how do I tell people?  I'm usually an open book about everything with my friends and family.  So who do I tell first?  Who will understand?  Of course my fear is that they will not understand and will think I'm taking the easy way out of losing this weight - after research I realize there is nothing easy about this surgery- it's right thing to get my health back. But I'm really freaking out about telling people.  No longer keeping my head in the sand about my heart disease.

A little family history as I'm not as concerned about telling my immediate family - I know they will be supportive but a little surprised.  I'm the middle child - have an older sister and younger brother.  We watched our father gain and lose a 100 lbs many times in his life.  Dad was a Type 2 Diabetic, had high blood pressure and had heart disease.  We all have memories of being in the emergency room with him having a heart attack and carrying the nitroglycerin in his pocket for his angina.  He died at age 77 of a stroke.  He was very conscious of our weight and really wanted us kids not to struggle with our weight as he did.  And of course all three of us struggle with our weight - my sister and brother have been doing a better job of keeping control then me but have been on every diet known to man.  My sister was the first person I talked to about the surgery and she has been very supportive.  I also told my brother and he also thought it was going to be life-changing for my husband and I.  I waited until I had the cardiac clearance to tell my two boys - 24 & 21 - I think they were surprised but glad I was doing something about our health - I'm sure they worry about us. 

Next up - how to tell my 91 year old mom who lives 9 hours away by car and has had a broken femur this past summer and TIA's.  She talks to me at least 2 times a day, either my brother and I are there checking on her every month (after spending the summer getting her through the hospitals, rehabs, and settled with nursing care). She does have short-term memory loss and will worry about me going through surgery.  Because she is confused with the timing of events, I've decided not to tell her until after the surgery - will let my brother explain it to her the day of surgery.  She would work herself into a nervous frenzy about it.  I'm not sure she will understand but will be happy I am losing weight.  Because of her age and her health history, I'm nervous about being able to get to her if something happens to her but my surgeon assures me I'll be able to travel in two weeks after the surgery. My older sister does what she can but she lives far away and it's expensive for her to come help. Right now my mom is doing great physically - amazing how she has bounced back from the broken femur.  Another blog.

Okay - now for the really scary part for me and what was made me really nervous - how to tell my friends?  Like I said - I normally am an open book so keeping this from them has been hard.  Most of my close friends eat very healthy and LOVE to exercise (Dear God - why didn't you bless me with that gene?).  If they eat bad at one meal - they adjust for it at night or the next day.  They have it under control.  I hate being the largest one in the group and taking group pictures when we are out and about - I always want to be in the back.  (And please don't post that picture to Facebook - I look horrible.)  My fear is that they won't understand.  But aren't most of our fears unwarranted?

So I took the plunge (after some praying about it) and called one close friend to let her know what was going on and what I was doing.  The day I got the personal call from my internist about getting his approval for the surgeon I was going to use - I was with my friends playing Mah Jong.  They heard me get a call from the doctor and I went outside to visit with him.  When I got back, I told them everything was fine.  Turns out they were all worried about me - thought something was going on with my heart.  My friend was relieved I'm okay and is excited for me to have the surgery.  Whew - so my fears were unrealized.  Another longtime friend is totally on board.  So that is making the telling easier - now I've told 4 friends total.  They've all been great.  I did go to lunch with someone I'm not as close too so I didn't tell her - just that I was on a diet again.  Tonight we are going out to eat with another couple so I guess we will tell them tonight - we will see how the night goes.  They do know I'm on a diet.  I'm not sure who else I'll tell but it's going better than I thought.  My fears completely unfounded.

My mother's always told me - "You wouldn't worry so much about what people think of you if you realize how seldom them did." I'm not saying my friends don't think about me - but my thinking process of worrying about what they thought about this surgery VSG is unfounded - they will be concerned and helpful but they have their own problems in their life to really worry about - aging parents, kids, and all the other curveballs life throws at us.  They just have different problems than me - mine right now is my health - no longer sticking my head in the sand!  

Going Through the Emotions

This has been a tough month emotionally meeting with doctors, having tests, and trying to decide what to tell family and friends about the decision to have the weight loss surgery - vertical sleeve  gastrectomy (VSG).  It is also a tough decision to make as we found out our insurance does not cover bariatric surgery in any shape, form or fashion even though it will make huge differences in the health of my husband and I.  We will be paying for it ourselves.  In the long run, the surgery will pay for itself with the health benefits, etc.  Just took us awhile mentally to get there. Checkmark -  Decision made to have surgery!

The bariatric surgeons my internist recommended were a lot more expensive than the surgeon I found.  This surgeon had a great staff and spent an hour and a half with me going over the surgery and recovery. I liked him and his staff. I called my internist to ask about this surgeon and he called me back personally and visited about fifteen minutes about this surgeon - he knew him well and thought he was an excellent surgeon - just did not practice at the same hospital as my internist.  The internist is very conservative (has been our doctor for 18 years through various health problems so we trust his guidance) and gave this surgeon his approval.  I went ahead and met with the more expensive bariatric surgeon to make sure I wasn't making a mistake based on a sheer financial decision.  His office staff was a little rude, extremely busy, and I waited longer.  When I got to meet with him, he spent maybe 10 minutes with me.  (I had had to watch a video presentation or attend a seminar by him before I had the appointment.) He asked me questions such as "Why not the bypass or lap band?" For some reason he intimidated me and I had a hard time feeling comfortable with him.  It was part my fault that the appointment did not last longer as he kept asking me if I had any questions and I could not think of anything at that time - the other surgeon had really informed me - as well as all the message boards.  He is an excellent surgeon but not for me.  Checkmark - surgeon found!

Next on my list was getting the cardiac clearance because I had a heart attack in 2007.  I had already made an appointment with cardiologist for my annual appointment back in December (turns out I missed last year - yes, I've had my head in the sand about my having heart disease) so off I go to discuss with him about my heart and his opinions on me having the surgery.  He was definitely for the surgery - said getting the weight off would help with my heart.  He gave me the EKG and I had to have the nuclear treadmill stress test - UGH!  Since I am not consistent with my exercise and going to the gym or walking, that frightened me - I've had two before.  It's never as bad as my imagination.  My cardiologist said we could do the  chemical version since I told him I was out-of-shape.  I had it a couple of days after the appointment and the guys running the test decided I should try the treadmill since I had done it before - and I did it.  Note to self: please stay consistent with the exercise - you do have heart disease!  On the way home,  I couldn't drive through to get fast food - I stopped and got a salad!  The next day I go to the internist for the  pre-op clearance and testing (blood work, orders for chest ex-ray & h-pyloric breath-tek.  Uh-oh - he tells me I didn't pass the Nuclear Stress Test - showed some abnormalities - he immediately calls the cardiologist and they talk about my case right then and there in front of me - cardiologist thinks the abnormalities have been there since the heart attack and will study my case some more but I will probably still be approved because this will help my heart disease.  And of course this is a Friday and I won't hear anything til Monday.  Checkmark- part of my pre-op appointments & tests done!

On Monday I started my pre-op diet and got my chest ex-ray & h-pyloric test.  Of course I start the diet three pounds heavier because I've been eating everything I can think of in anticipation.  Yes, I know I wasn't supposed to but that spaghetti, pizza, steak dinner, wine, etc. was really great!  And I ate all the cake and sweet stuff at a baby shower in front of a bunch of women - something as a larger gal I would usually never do in front of people - usually only in private! (Think I might have some issues to work on??)  My surgeon's pre-op diet is a little different - a light breakfast (can have an egg, oatmeal, toast or cereal) and a light meal (lean protein and two green veggies) and two protein shakes or protein in greek yogurt.  No fats or white stuff.  Can have another shake or low fat snack if hungry.  I've been trying to stay busy to keep my mind off what I'm missing - so far the cravings are okay and I know the sugar & carb cravings will decrease if I just stick to it. My husband told me, "You don't have a choice sticking to this diet - he won't do the surgery if your liver has not shrunk" - good motivation. Yes - I still miss my Diet 7-up in the mornings - love the carbonation- but so far have not succumbed.  At the end of the day I get the call from the cardiologist's nurse - I have his cardiac approval. Checkmark - CARDIAC CLEARANCE (YEAH!) and all lab work completed. 

Next up on my list- telling friends & family!  Next blog!



Let me introduce myself- I'm a mom whose struggled with her weight all her life. I really didn't start seriously putting on weight until my 30's- and now at 54 - I'm considered morbidly obese (hate that term) & have high blood pressure.  My husband & I love to go out to eat and also cook good meals. We are now empty nesters- oldest son is out of college & working - yeah! Youngest son is a junior in college. I'm trying to figure out what to do with this next stage of my life after being a stay-at-home mom who was a professional volunteer at school & the kids activities. ( When I found myself in charge of the concession stand for the high school baseball team one year - I knew I had a serious problem with my volunteer activities!- that should be a whole discussion for another blog!)

In 2007 while working at the high school baseball concession stand- I began to have some chest discomfort- after a long uncomfortable night - went to doctor & then hospital and finally found out I was having a heart attack- I was 49 and had lost 30 lbs that year & exercising. (Also another blog about that experience coming). I had a heart cath & a stent put in and immediately felt better. My diet was definitely heart healthy for the next six months- couldn't even stand watching someone put butter on their bread in front of me. Unfortunately, I must have a short memory because I gradually went back to my old way of eating and have since gained around 50 lbs.

My internist hurt my feelings this past spring when he mentioned weight loss surgery to me after watching me gain and lose 20 or so pounds every year. I went home and did a little investigating and promptly decided it wasn't for me. My 90 year old mother had a stroke and broke her femur this past summer which resulted in lots of stress-related eating for me and 20 lbs ( Can't I blame my weight gain on my mother??) . And she's still a stressful situation as she recuperates!! (Another blog- dealing with aging parents)

At my yearly check-up with my internist in November - this time I listened to him when he suggested weight loss surgery as a "tool" to help me with weight since I was not being successful keeping weight off. He went into detail about each WLS surgery and thought the gastric-sleeve was a great option for me. He also is not affiliated with any doctor or facility and was not financially gaining from this surgery in any way. Good man- has helped our family through many health issues for the past 17 years- in other words- I trust his advice.  So I went home with an open mind and started researching the gastric sleeve and discussing with my husband.

My dear hubby is also a big part of this equation. He's a big guy who our doctor has been trying to talk into WLS surgery for many years. He's Type 2 diabetic and also has high blood pressure.  After his annual physical with our internist in January, he came home and said, " Let's do this weight loss surgery- it's time!"

So off I go investigating the gastric sleeve or vertical sleeve surgery and doctors! I'm going to try and blog about this journey. I'm scared and excited at the same time! I feel like maybe it's time for this butterfly to come out of her cocoon and try her new wings and dream some new dreams- join me!!