Saturday, April 13, 2013


As exercising is a struggle for me, I got a trainer this week.  I need to be accountable to someone as it is so easy for me to skip exercising if it's too hot, too cold, rainy, my knees hurt, have a headache, my dog needs her belly rubbed, etc.  My friend Milli is a trainer at the gym I go too - I've hesitated to ask her before to work with me since we are friends but decided I'd rather work with someone I know rather than a man or a stranger.

My first session was yesterday - it went well - I did weights in between sessions on the treadmill, arc cycler and the recumbent bike.  As I've been avoiding abdominal exercises, it was good to have someone work with me on that!  It was good having someone make sure I was doing the exercise correctly.  I wanted to call her last night and complain because I was so sore last night!  I took my tylenol before I went to bed!  Today I'm still sore - of course I need to move to make the soreness go away - I'm working on that motivation...

I'm planning on working with her twice a week and going to the gym at least one more time a week.  The other days I need to be walking.  Not only do I need to be moving for the weight loss, but also for my heart disease.  I wish I loved to exercise - nope - but at least I'm being accountable for now!!

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