Saturday, April 6, 2013

25 Pounds Down - Nobody's noticed??

I had a great birthday week!  I got together with two different sets of friends for lunch and I've noticed that my girlfriends seem to be reluctant to compliment me on my weight loss or they just don't see it yet.  My husband is very complimentary!  My one friend called me after lunch and told me that she could tell I'd lost in my face but didn't want to say anything in front of everybody because she didn't know who knew I'd had surgery.  She also told me she couldn't tell in my clothes - I guess I haven't worn
form-fitting clothes in so long that it is hard for people to tell when I have lost weight.  I know that my pants are a smaller size and I'm fitting into smaller clothes.

Going out-to-lunch with friends was a new post-op experience for me - I'm 5 weeks out and am on soft foods.  I noticed that they were all keeping an eye on what I ordered and how much I ate.  I was surprised at how fast everybody ate and how I was still eating when they were finished.  At both lunches I ordered a chicken dish with mashed potatoes and green beans - food I knew I could tolerate very easily.  It was hard to eat slow and not drink along with my meal - I kept reaching for that glass - but would stop myself.  I did eat 2-3 ounces of chicken, a few bites of potatoes & beans, and took home the rest of the food for later.  Fun lunches!

I'm amazed at when people know I've had this surgery, they have to tell me their dieting stories - how they've lost the 10 pounds they needed too.  I have to pretend to be polite and listen but inside it is so hard!  How can they tell an obese person their dieting successes when all they have to lose is 10 pounds?  They can't relate to what an obese person has to go through to lose weight - we've been losing that same 10 pounds over and over and put on more and more as we go.  "Yes, I'm happy you have it figured out with your diet and exercise programs but please STOP!!"  I know they are just trying to relate to me and be nice - I have to work on my attitude!!!

Time to keep plugging along - someday people will notice I've lost weight!!

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