Monday, May 6, 2013

Reversing my Path!

I'm a mom of two boys - when my kids were pre-teens - we ended getting into dirt bikes and 4 wheelers.  As I didn't want to get stuck at home by myself, I decided to join them in their adventures and we got me a 4 wheeler also.  We've been riding these for years at a place with 110 acres and miles and miles of trails, fire roads, etc. to ride on.  Now - I'm a girlie girl - don't like camping - but I found I've loved getting out there in the middle of the woods.  There's always something new to see - wildflowers, deer, cows, beaver dams, etc.  And it's been a lot of fun connecting with the boys and my husband out there in the wilderness!

My husband and I went riding yesterday on a beautiful day.  The place where we ride has arrows showing you which way to ride on the trails.  Imagine my surprise when we went to ride one of our favorite trails and the owners of the place had reserved the direction the trails went.  As the trails were before , I didn't have to concentrate as hard because I knew what would be around each bend on some of our favorite trails we rode a lot.  Now as we went along, I had to really pay attention to the trail  - half the time I didn't even recognize where we were going as I was so turned around.  I don't like change - I was wishing things would go back the way they had been before!

As we were going along on the reversed trails, I started thinking about how the reversed trails were kinda of an analogy on our new lifestyle.  My husband and I are both reserving the direction of the damage we had done to our bodies with our unhealthy diet and lifestyles. Our medications have definitely been decreased!  This new path has us both paying attention to our road or "diet" as we have to log our meals in My Fitness Pal to keep track of what we are eating - can't just cruise along as we were before because that just got us in trouble - eating more fat & calories than we needed.  I did run off the trail once yesterday and my hubby had to come rescue me to get me back on track - yes - I suspect we will run into problems on this new journey with food temptations but we will need to get ourselves right back on track.

As my husband is a more experienced rider than me, he took me on some challenging trails yesterday.  We are empty nesters so he's stuck riding with me most of the time!  Now - I like the easy trails - I don't want any challenges - don't take me on the trails where I have to go up & down some hills and be scared.  But you know what - I faced the challenges and made it through those tough trails!  Just like with this new lifestyle with VSG, I'm going to face challenges and rough times - just got to face them head on and put my foot on the accelerator and go!!  It takes a while to get your head around these new challenges and thought processes - we just can't go on cruise control with our past bad habits and behaviors.  It takes me awhile to accept change and get my head around it.

Different challenges are going to come up - traveling, holiday eating, stalls, illness, boredom, cravings, etc.  - I'm going to have to keep up with this new "reversed path" and healthy lifestyle and put my foot on the accelerator and accept the challenge.  I can do it!!  Thank goodness I have a new tool (or accelerator) - VSG - to help in the process!!

MONDAY UPDATE:  Yippee!  I got on the scale this morning and I was down 3.4 lbs for the week!  I'm 11 weeks post-op and down 37.6 lbs since I started this process.  I've been going to the gym 3 times a week for weights and cardio - two of those times with a trainer - and walking 2 days a week.  This is huge for me as I don't like to exercise!

My husband is down around 50 lbs at 7 weeks out including his pre-op diet.  He is not exercising and is  not tracking his food quite as religiously as I am.  I'm having to bite my tongue to keep from nagging him.  It's amazing how much better he feels - I'm so happy to see the twinkle in his eye back as he's had a rough year with shingles complications.

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