Saturday, January 4, 2014


Wow - haven't updated in awhile - want to keep journaling this weight loss journey.  I'm down about 8 pounds since my last post in October.  I'm not winning any speed weight loss competitions but overall I'm down 70 lbs!  Whoo Hoo!  Never in my life would I have thought at this time last year I'd be down this much.

Last year at this time I was doing research on this surgery, reading message boards, depressed I would even be so overweight to even contemplate such a drastic measure as weight loss surgery. I didn't think financially we could do this as we were thinking insurance wouldn't pay for it.  (They didn't).  At this time last year I was thinking about starting another diet.  I was getting so discouraged in setting unattainable New Year's Resolutions - I'm good for 20-30 pounds then would gain it back.  I was thinking I needed to get back to the gym but was embarrassed to go back.

My husband had his annual physical appointment in early January last year and talked to our internist about the surgery.  He came home saying "Let's do this".  I immediately started making appointments with doctors to get the ball rolling.  I was so scared and excited to be taking a different step towards some health goals.

Wow - what a difference a year makes!  I never thought I'd be 70 pounds down - hubby 100 pounds down!  Never thought I'd be going to a trainer three times a week!  Never thought my husband would just buy a new bike to get his exercise program going again!  I never thought I'd have so much energy or feel so much better about myself.  Never thought I'd be able to buy regular clothes again - so exciting to be wearing a 14P Talbots pant and an XL or L regular size.  Those pants are big on me too!  I'm not able to visualize what my weight loss body looks like - still feel fat!

I do still have a large tummy - I need to lose at least 25-30 more pounds.  I'm almost to just "overweight" on the BMI scale!  That will be an awesome day!

It felt so good to get through the Christmas/New Year's week with only a 2 lb gain.  I didn't make my usual sweets and tried some sugar-free desserts.  The junk food sitting around such as Chex Mix and nuts did contribute to some of the gain.  I also an snacking more and not tracking.  Some cravings are back and night time eating.  UGH - not "under my feet" as I contemplated in an earlier blog - think I will always have to face those demons.

Some major accomplishments were a 6 lb weight loss from Thanksgiving to before Christmas!  Saying "NO" to most candy & sweets!  Keeping up my exercise schedule!  Having so much more energy!  My biggest accomplishment is probably my blood work results - my C Reactive Protein is normal for the 1st time in 10 years!!  Other blood work looks great also.  My hormone levels are all low so I need to do so investigating on that to see if I'm going to start hormones - breast cancer family history.  My Gyn says I'm safe to start taking them.

I'm so happy we went on this journey!  I would like to tell myself last year at this time that everything would be okay - this will be a great decision and you will be successful!

Now - time to regroup and get totally back on track.  No late night snacking, logging all food, more cardio, cut out the crackers, etc.  Life is good!  I may not be at goal at one year out but I'll no longer be obese!

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