Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stress & Traveling!

My91 year old mother passed away last Friday night.  I'm very thankful I was able to travel and be there a few hours before she died.  I'm also thankful God was gracious and did not let her hang on for months - she did not want to be in a nursing home no matter how nice it was.  She wanted to be active and blowing and going!

I'm so thankful I have had this surgery - I just weighed this morning and lost 2.2 pounds this past week while traveling, planning a funeral and going through the funeral!  And the best news of all was I had to buy a funeral dress and I bought my first dress in a NORMAL SIZE -  not a woman's size!!  My mother would be so proud!!  I also proudly got my picture taken with my family - no longer hiding in the very back!  I'm halfway from where I want to be but have so much more self-confidence now - it's a great feeling!  I've lost 13 pounds since this stressful situation started on Mother's Day - that is so hard for me to believe that I can go through a stressful situation and lose weight!

I also realize the next few months will be hard as I will always be an emotional eater and I have to go through the grieving process -  I think I'm in shock right now.  I need to get back on track with my water & protein, logging into My Fitness Pal and exercising - it would be very easy to fall into depression.  I do have some good friends and family support to help keep me on track.  I do love my carbs so I'm going to have to watch that - I love to snack.  Plan, plan and more planning my food.

It was fun seeing a couple of friends who had had no idea I'd had the surgery - they didn't want to say anything at the funeral about me losing weight - so I had to bring it up to them. They were happy! I still have a hard time telling how much weight I've lost as I'm embarrassed at where I started - but I did tell them!  My husband got all the attention - he's lost 70 pounds since this process started - he looks great!  I guess people have no problem talking to men about their weight - very proud of us both!

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